At the end of the session, participants will be able to:
- Situate their role and the role of other members of the organization in achieving a successful management process regarding problem employees;
- Use communication techniques and strategies to interfer towards a problem employee;
- Prepare strategies to initiate a behaviour change of the problem employee to generate positive results both on the individual and his work environment.
Characteristics of a problem employee
The legal dimensions in a processing file
Changing process of human behavior
Personalities disorders and personal problems
The feedback of adjustment
The material for a file
The purpose and principle of gradual sanctions
The writing of clear expectations
Communication techniques with a problem employee
The structure of meetings with a problem employee
The recovery plan for a problem employee
The follow-up with a problem employee
The discussions, case studies and self-evaluation’s questionnaires allow acquiring practical tools and developing accurate intervention strategies. At last, the workshop will end by the drafting of a personal action plan including an application strategy on the goals to reach and the behaviors that need to improve.

Managing Problem Employees
It’s not always easy for a manager to accommodate all of the individuals under his responsibility, particularly in the case of difficult or problem employees. The aim of this session is to provide managers with tools to better handle festering situations of this nature. The method proposed here concentrates more on bringing about behavioral changes in a problem employee than on a dismissal strategy. Our work will thus focus more on the interpersonal aspect than on the strict and literal application of the work standards code. This is a 2-day workshop. For detailed information, see PDF.
Si vous désirez suivre cette formation en français, consulter le lien suivant : https://www.cose.ca/formations/gerer-les-employes-difficiles/