Managing Problem Employees

It’s not always easy for a manager to accommodate all of the individuals under his responsibility, particularly in the case of difficult or problem employees. The aim of this session is to provide managers with tools to better handle festering situations of this nature. The method proposed here concentrates more on bringing about behavioral changes in a problem employee than on a dismissal strategy. Our work will thus focus more on the interpersonal aspect than on the strict and literal application of the work standards code. This is a 2-day workshop. For detailed information, see PDF.

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Management of Difficult Situations Involving Clients

Circumstances beyond our control creating unease with the client, clashing personalities, customers who are very demanding, we need to reduce tensions on both sides, adopt appropriate behaviors and better equip ourselves to face these situations. Avoid escalation and improve customer relation, that’s the ultimate goal in these situations. This is a 2-day workshop. For detailed information, see PDF.

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Coach, Motivate and Mobilize

The manager’s responsibility towards the results he is required to reach leads him to take charge of the human resources he is dealing with in order to work on their performance. Therefore, he must show his skills as a coach and a motivator if he wishes to gain the right contribution of his team. This is a 3-day workshop. For detailed information, see PDF.

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Decision Making Process

Often, the resolved problems reappear. Why? Was the problem correctly identified? Have we focused on the causes or the symptoms? Did we find suitable solutions? In a context where employees have to solve more and more problems related to their work, a problem-solving process will help them avoid pitfalls. This is a 1-day workshop. For detailed information, see PDF.

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Emotional Intelligence: Managing Emotions

Management research as the practice has long valued a single type of intelligence related to IQ. This approach denies a part of reality: the emotions. It is now recognized that skills related to effective use of emotions exist and allow individuals who have these skills, to be more effective at work. This is a 2-day workshop. For detailed information, see PDF.


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